Toshiro Nagato is a Bujinkan (武神館) Daishihan who has been training under Hatsumi Soke for more than four decades (48 years in 2024). In 2019, he was awarded Sokeship of the Bujinkan’s Shinden Fudo Ryu (神伝不動流).
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The Dayton Bujinkan Dojo Martial Arts School is hosting the 2025 Nagato Sensei Tai Kai. It is located at 3180 Kettering Blvd, Moraine, Ohio 45439 USA. Its accommodations include 9200 square feet of space, 107+ tatami-style training mats, a 30-mat yoga room, a striking room, kitchenette, and changing rooms for all participants. The fully air conditioning facility has capacity for 150 members (it’s largest event had 157 people attend). For the 2025 Nagato Sensei Tai Kai, attendance has been capped at 120 registered attendees to ensure adequate space. The dojo is located 15 minutes south of downtown Dayton in Southwest Ohio. Visit for more information.