Here in east Idaho, winter means more than just tossing on a hat or scarf. Our winters are no joke and getting to where you need to be becomes much more than just starting your car and heading out. If you're new to driving in the snow and ice, or you've done it many times before, we want to help you stay safe!
The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) and Idaho State Police (ISP) are teaming up to provide FREE, informative and engaging winter driving safety classes in preparation for icy roads and adverse weather conditions.
This course will be taught by ISP Troopers, local east Idaho law enforcement, and ITD Operators, covering a wide range of topics from proper vehicle preparation, equipment, road conditions, driving tips, crashes, and snowplow safety. Time is from 7:00- 8:30 p.m.
Who should attend?
While these courses are beneficial for drivers of all ages and skill levels, they are especially geared toward young drivers and anyone new to the area who may be preparing for their first winter driving season. Current teen drivers, or those from ages 14-17 who will be starting their driver's education course within the next year are encouraged to attend.
Anyone that joins us will be able to learn great tips and ask questions of the responders.
Les Schwab is an industry leader in vehicle service, maintenance and safety. They have partnered with ITD and ISP over the past several years to sponsor these classes for the community.
Participants who attend the course will be eligible for a 10% discount on new snow tires at eight regional Les Schwab Tire Center locations. *limitations may apply