The 18th annual Energy High Performance Computing Conference, hosted annually at Rice University by the Ken Kennedy Institute, is the premier meeting place for the energy industry to engage in conversations about challenges and opportunities in high-performance computing, computational science and engineering, AI, machine learning, and data science. Attended by 500 leaders and experts from the energy industry, academia, national labs, and IT industry, this is a unique opportunity for key stakeholders to engage and network to help advance HPC in the energy industry.
Join us on February 25-27, 2025 in Houston, Texas for invited speakers, a technical talk program, an exhibit hall, networking receptions, poster presentations, and add-on workshops. View schedule updates at
Registration Details:
Rates for the Energy HPC Conference (February 25-26, 2025) below. Add-on workshops are $75 and can be purchased alone or in combination with conference tickets. View speakers, sessions, and details about each workshop on
*Please register with your academic email. Be ready to show identification when picking up name badge if selecting the Academic or Student rates.
Refund Policy: