Submit a Proposal
Please complete the proposal form below.
What are we looking for?
We are seeking Regulatory, Quality, and Product Management thought leaders to present related educational content during the REGULATORY INTELLIGENCE SUMMIT, June 3-5, 2024, Washington, DC. Session abstract approval is based on educational value.
Abstract Submission Instructions
Select the type of presentation/session and select a topic/category. Provide a title, a short summary (for promotion), and a detailed description of your proposed session (for the agenda). Include a speaker bio and submitter contact information.
Deadline for Submissions: March 1, 2024
Date submitted:
Abstract Type
Presentation or Panel Discussion, select one
[ cannot exceed 255 characters ]

Topic-specific, slide deck supported educational session on relevant subject matter; up to 40 min. including audience Q&A.

Moderated expert panel discussion; multiple speakers (max 4), limited slides to support topic/issues; up to 40 min. including audience Q&A.

2-6 hour educational workshop for up to 30 participants held Monday, June 3.
Abstract Categories:
Select the category/categories of your abstract subject matter.
[ cannot exceed 2,000 characters ]
Abstract Title
Short Summary of Abstract
Abstract Description
use this field to describe the abstract in detail
Tell us WHY this session is important to attendees and what are the TAKE AWAYS
we might use this for marketing
Speaker(s) Name & Bio - 300 words or less
Company or Organization
First Name
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Last Name
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Job Title
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Consideration for Publication on
I agree to allow MedTech Intelligence to contact me about potential use of the abstract content in the publication.
Marketing opportunities for Technology and Service Providers
Abstracts that are product and/or company focused are eligible for a sponsored TechTalk.

I am interested in learning about paid marketing opportunities
Terms and Conditions
[ required ]