Eventleaf How To Guides

How to track time for credits

If you are coordinating continuing education seminars or professional certification programs that require meticulous logging of attendee hours, Eventleaf offers a robust solution. Eventleaf event check-in app, backed by the integrated event management system, accurately records the check-in and check-out times for each session and participant, enabling you to calculate professional development hours (PDH). You can easily export timelogs to spreadsheets and use this data to compute diverse Continuing Education credits.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll illustrate how you can track time for credits using the Eventleaf event check-in app.

  1. 1. Prerequisites

    1. A device with the Eventleaf Check In app installed.
    2. A registered Eventleaf event that requires credit tracking.
    3. Internet connection.
  2. 2. Install and Set Up the Eventleaf Check In App

    1. If you haven’t already, download and install the Eventleaf Check In app from your device's app store.
    2. Launch the app and log in with your Eventleaf credentials.
      Launch the app and log in with your Eventleaf credentials
    3. Choose the event for which you want to track time from the available list.
  3. 3. Checking Attendees In and Out

    1. As attendees arrive, search for their names or scan their QR codes using the app.
      As attendees arrive, search for their names or scan their QR codes using the app
    2. Tap the CHECK IN button when the attendee’s name appears.
    3. Once an attendee attends the sessions and is ready to leave, look up their name and tap the CHECK OUT button.
    4. The check-in and check-out times will be automatically recorded by the Check In app.
  4. 4. Viewing and Exporting Time Tracked Data

    1. Log onto the Eventleaf browser app and select your event.
    2. Select the REPORTS tab.
    3. Click on the drop-down box in the REPORTS section. You will see a list of reports. Select Check In - Attendance Log.
      Check In - Attendance Log
    4. You will see the check-in and check-out dates and times of all the attendees.
      You will see the check-in and check-out dates and times of all the attendees.
    5. Click on the EXPORT button on the top right of your Reports screen. Select the Date Format and File Type and click on EXPORT.
    6. Save the check-in and check-out times as Comma Separated Values or as an Excel worksheet and use this data to calculate time for credits.
  5. Important Tips

    1. Encourage attendees to check out during longer breaks or if they leave the venue to ensure accurate time tracking.
    2. Make sure the attendees have successfully checked out when they leave the session. If an attendee forgets to check out, you can check them out from the app.


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